Friday, November 23, 2012

Python, Flask, MongoDB - Parts 1b, 1c

This picks up from the last post, which you can find here:

This section concerns itself with dealing with MongoDB, then accessing data in Mongo through Flask to display to a web client.

Install Mongo, create database with a collection of three records

First, we have to get Mongo installed with some simple data.   Download MongoDB from, and use version 2.2 or higher.

Unzip, and move the contents to a new folder--on my Mac, I put the latest MongoDB in my user home directory in its own folder under ~/bin/mongodb, then I symlink it to ~/bin/mongodb/current, and create a data directory as well to hold the Mongo databases. These command lines do the trick after Mongo's downloaded.

mkdir ~/bin/mongodb
tar -zxvf ~/Downloads/mongodb-osx-x86_64-2.2.1.tgz -C ~/bin/mongodb
ln -s mongodb-osx-x86_64-2.2.1/ current
mkdir ~/bin/mongodb/data

Now launch Mongo:
cd ~/bin/mongodb/
./current/bin/mongod -dbpath ./data/db

Add records to Mongo

Open another terminal window, and open the mongo client.  We'll create a database named test, and insert three records into a collection called "fruits"
cd ~/bin/mongodb

This gets you a mongo prompt.
show dbs
use test
db.fruits.insert({name: "apple"})
db.fruits.insert({name: "orange"})
db.fruits.insert({name: "banana"})

Now let's add another field called displayOrder:
db.fruits.update({name: "apple"}, {$set: {displayOrder: 1}})
db.fruits.update({name: "banana"}, {$set: {displayOrder: 2}})
db.fruits.update({name: "orange"}, {$set: {displayOrder: 3}})

Let's find these:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("502f1f4098075d85dc674fb5"), "displayOrder" : 1, "name" : "apple" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("502f284f98075d85dc674fb7"), "displayOrder" : 2, "name" : "banana" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("502f284b98075d85dc674fb6"), "displayOrder" : 3, "name" : "orange" }

Connect Flask to MongoDB

This is the last part of this document -- and to do this, we'll add what Flask calls a route.  It'll be our first route, so we'll just call it mongo1.

First, install the pymongo driver.   There's no ORM or anything here; Flask will connect directly to MongoDB.

sudo pip install pymongo

Next, update that file.  Insert this code below the line that says  return "Hello World!", and before "if __name__ = 'main'"

from pymongo import Connection
conn = Connection('', 27017)

def find():
    dbTest = conn['test']
    dbDocs = []

    for fruit in dbTest['fruits'].find():

    return str(dbDocs)

Stop Flask on the command line if it's still running with a control-C, then relaunch it with python  (If you're using PyCharm select the file in the left-hand Project window, right click, and choose Debug.)

In the mongod window you'll see something like this that lets you know you've connected to Mongo:

Fri Aug 17 13:13:13 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #2 (2 connections now open)

Now in a web browser visit that route at

You'll see those three records returned in JSON format, which is effectively how both Python and MongoDB store their data--effectively means it's not quite true, but close enough.

What's happening here?

First of all, the route /mongo1 is bound to the function find(), which makes a connection to the Mongo database ['test'].
dbDocs is declared as an empty list, and then a find request is made to the collection 'fruits'.   The for loop iterates with the results from the find(), and builds up a Python list named dbDocs.  Finally, dbDocs is converted into a string, and returned to the user's web browser, where it appears as unformatted JSON.

That's it for now, but it does show you how you can quickly build a simple web service using Flask and Mongo.

Additional directions to go from here would be to use templates for rendering, getting a bit of styling in place, and isolating the Flask application into its own Python environment.

Python, Flask, MongoDB - Part 1a

The past few months I've been working quite a bit with Flask and MongoDB... and I've found it easy to use and quickly setup a database driven website.   Most of the tutorials and such out there assume some sort of knowledge or experience with Python or Javascript or both--and leave out quite a few details or are just plain outdated.
If you're not familiar with Flask, well... Python Flask is a web micro-framework designed to make creating web services and sites easy and even fun.  You can read all about that here: and you can skim through its Quickstart to get a feel for what Flask is about.
Now I'm sure what I'm writing will be outdated in a few months, but as of now, in early November 2012, it's current.  And with enough work collegues and geek friends asking me "how did you get going with Flask and/ or Python and/or Mongo" I might as well share these steps.  So let's go.

Goals for today

These should be enough to get going.
1a. Install Flask and write a Hello World.
1b. Install MongoDB and add a database with a single collection with three records
1c. Get Flask to connect to MongoDB and display the three records
A word about environments: I'll be using a Mac for this, and these steps should work with anything later than MacOS 10.6.  Many of the examples below were done in a terminal window on Mac OS, so you'll need to adjust the commands if you're using another platform.

Environments and prep work

A word about environments: I'll be using a Mac for this, and these steps should work with anything later than MacOS 10.6.  Many of the examples below were done in a terminal window on Mac OS, so you'll need to adjust the commands if you're using another platform.
To develop, I use a bit of vim and a bit more of PyCharm as the IDE.  More on PyCharm in a later post, but if you'd like to download a 30-day trial version you can do that here:
Other things that aren't covered in this particular post will be virtual environments, Flask templates, or styling--it's more important to do something than do everything all at once.  Also, there won't be any manipulation of the Mongo data, such as creating, updating, and deleting records.  Those would both be additional posts.
For this first post, it's just straight up Python with globally install Python packages and the like.

Step 1 - Install Flask and write Hello World

Figure out your Python version

Let's Start by figuring out what version of Python you have.  These steps work with Python 2.6 or higher.  At a command line (open up a Terminal window--I use iTerm2 instead) type the following to make sure you've got Python installed:
python --version
That should return something like Python 2.6.6 or Python 2.7.3.  Both are fine.
If you don't have Python 2.6 or 2.7, install it.  Don't install Python 3 for this tutorial.

Install flask and make the first app

Install flask You might have to sudo these.
easy_install pip
pip install flask
Create the flask directory and application
mkdir ~/Desktop/flask
vim ~/Desktop/flask/
Add these lines:
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)

def hello():
    return "Hello World!"

if __name__ == "__main__":
You can also just create the using a text editor, but it's important to note that in Python the indents are significant--the return and statements should be indented four spaces.  This will make copying and pasting code difficult if you're not aware of it.
Finally, run it:
cd ~/Desktop/flask
 * Running on
Now, in a web browser, go to
And you'll see Hello World.